Government Campaign
The following is a government campaign designed with the purpose to bring awareness to the funding available for small business owners who are struggling during this pandemic.
All sections are broken down: Campaign Purpose, Logo + Branding
Continue to view: Website Landing Page and Marketing Material.
The Problem
With the stress of the pandemic at an all-time high, the frustration continues to grow when exhausted small business owners try to find resources to help keep from closing their doors permanently.
Some, if not most, don’t know of the funding available for small business owners during this pandemic. Those that do, find it very difficult to navigate and understand what they qualify for in the funding available.
Our Solution
To ease the frustration and stress, a campaign was created with the purpose of PROVIDING a landing page. This included easy to understand user experience, with access to government programs available for small business owners during these difficult times.
This campaign will also be used to bring AWARENESS to the funding available, through marketing and social media platforms.
Following the success of this launch, the campaign will not only help business owners who are struggling but will also assist with ensuring that our community bounces back from the global pandemic.
Many names were brainstormed for this campaign, one that won the team and client that proved to be best suited to represent the goal and direct message for the campaign was RELIEF WITHIN REACH.
An open door shows that there is a way out of the struggle, that the funding available will help keep business doors open. This image also resembles an open BOOK; symbolizing education, knowledge, escape, and truth. The collective resources on the website and the easy to access forms to apply for government funding reflects just that. The NAME includes the full campaign title including the “.ca” to direct target audience to the website.
The following are additional assets that built the brand identity: typography, colour palette, logo variations.
After the logo was completed the process of creating the LANDING PAGE was underway. Keeping the goal of this campaign project in mind the website design was as follows:
To further outreach business owners, a collection of social media templates was made to assist with the marketing campaign.